Hodge 1685-2311 Gelechiidae
2305.1 Dichomeris offula Shawnee St Pk cabin12 3-16-22
2305.1 Dichomeris offula Shawnee St Pk cabin12 3-16-22
2306 Dichomeris washingtoniella Lake of the Woods Ontario 7-23-16
2306 Dichomeris washingtoniella yard 8-23-12
2307 Dichomeris nonstrigella Thunder Lake UP Mich 6-28-18
2307 Dichomeris nonstrigella Thunder Lake UP Mich 6-28-18
2307 Dichomeris nonstrigella yard 5-24-24
2307 Dichomeris nonstrigella yard 5-24-24
2310 Dichomeris inversella Mothapalooza Shawnee St Forest Oh 7-7-17
2310 Dichomeris Species Group yard 7-26-13
2310 Dichomeris Species Grp Mahogony Hammock Everglades Fla 2-18-14
2310.1 Dichomeris kimbaklli River Junction Withlacoochee St Forest Fl 2-23-17
2310.1 Dichomeris kimballi yard 6-15-12
2310.97 BG Unidentified Dichomeris Moth Mueller St Pk Colorado 6-21-17
2310.97 Unidentified Dichomeris Moth BG Pine Glade Lake Everglades Fl 2-21-14
2310.97 Unidentified Dichomeris Moth Kissimmee Prairie St Pk Fla 2-16-14
2310.97 Unidentified Dichomeris Moth Kissimmee Prairie St Pk Fla 2-16-14
2310.99 Unidentified Chionodes BG Lake Kissimmee St Pk Fl 2-27-22
2310.99 Unidentified Gelechiid BG Bear Island Big Cypress Preserve Fl 3-3-22
2310.99 Unidentified Gelechiid BG Bear Island Big Cypress Preserve Fl 3-3-22