Pickaway County Moths and Beyond
Contact Greg
Hodge 0001-3500
Hodge 0001-0854 Micropterigoidea-Tineoidea
Hodge 0857-1072 Oecophoridae- Elachistidae
Hodge 1077-1680 Coleophoridae-Cosmopterigidae
Hodge 1685-2311 Gelechiidae
Hodge 2315-2511 Copromorphoidea-Yponomeutoidea
Hodge 2513-2626 Sesiidae
Hodge 2627-2700 Choreutidae-Cossidae
Hodge 2701-3500 Olethreutinae
Hodge 3501-6234
Hodge 3501-3751 Tortricinae Tort-Arch-Sparg
Hodge 3754-3863 Tortricinae Cochylini
Hodge 4622-4702 Pre-pyraloid families
Hodge 4703-5298 Crambidae Pyralid group
Hodge 5299-5509 Crambids
Hodge 5510-6074 Pyralidae
Hodge 6076-6088 Thyrididae- Hyblaeidae
Hodge 6090-6234 Plume Moths
Hodge 6235-8321
Hodge 6235-6255 Drepanoidae
Hodge 6256-7648 Geometridae
Hodges 7650-7701Uraniidae-Epiplemidae-Lasiocampidae
Hodge 7704-7770 Saturniidae
Hodge 7771-7894 Sphingidae
Hodge 7895-8031 Prominent Moths
Hodge 8034-8288 Arctiidae-Tiger moths
Hodge 8290-8321 Lymantriidae Tussock moths
Hodges 8322-11130
Hodge 8322-8489 Noctuidae-Herminiinae
Hodge 8490-8769 Noctuidae-Catocalinae [less Catocala]
Hodge 8770-8878 Noctuidae Catocala Underwing Moths
Hodge 8880-9322 Nuctuidae
Hodge 9325-9869 Noctuidae Amphipyrinae
Hodge 9873-10216 Noctuidae Cuculliinae
Hodges 10219-10640 Noctuidae Hadeninae
Hodges 10641-11053 Noctuidae Noctuinae
Hodges 11055-11122 Noctuidae Heliothinae-Grotellini
Unknown Moths
Unidentified Moth Caterpillars
Hodge 7704-7770 Saturniidae
Hodge 7704-7770 Saturniidae
[Show slideshow]
7757 Polyphemus Moth Ocean Pond Osceolo Natl Forest Fla 3-25-15
7757 Polythemus caterpillar on Burr Oak in yard 9-1-14
7757 Polythemus Moth female laid eggs on sheet and one on Mary's sock Obed River shed Tenn 8-26-12
7757 Polythemus Moth Thunder Lake UP Mich 6-23-12
7757 Polythemus Moth yard 5-27-15
7757.1 Western Polyphemus Moth Black Canyon at the Gunnison Natl Pk Colorado 6-13-17
7757.1 Western Polyphemus Moth Black Canyon at the Gunnison Natl Pk Colorado 6-13-17
7758 Luna Moth Thunder Lake UP Mich 6-23-12
7758 Luna Moth yard 8-1-08
7764 Promethia Moth female Moth Thunder Lake Mich UP 6-24-13
7764 Promethia Moth Thunder Lake Mich UP 6-24-13
7764 Promethia Moth Thunder Lake Mich UP 6-24-13
7765 Tulip Tree Silk Moth Abner Hollow Adams Co Oh 5-17-08
7765 Tulip Tree Silkmoth Jenny Wiley St Pk Ky 4-20-16
7765 Tulip-tree Silkworm Moth Ocean Pond Osceolo Natl Forest Fla 3-25-15
7765 Tulip-tree Silkworm Moth Ocean Pond Osceolo Natl Forest Fla 3-25-15
7767 Cecropia caterpiller yard 8-24-06
7767 Cecropia Moth Cecropia Moth Shawnee St Pk Oh 7-12-19
7767 Cecropia moth newly emerged yard 6-28-07
7767 Cecropia Moth Osceola Natl Forest Ocean Pond Fla 3-24-15